Date: 01/01/2006
Status: Pending
Disposition: Material Removed, Verdict (defendant)
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Texas
Publication: Print, Website
Johnny “J.D.” Dixon sued Guy Martin, Bill Cochran, Melvin Douglas, and Sandy Martin, the editors and coordinator of The Conroe Watchdog, a print newsletter and website that describes itself as providing "[t]he unfiltered truth about Conroe politics and your tax...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 09/27/2008 - 8:38pm - 0 comments
Date: 05/09/2005
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Dismissed (total)
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Texas
Publication: Forum
The parents of a child who was victimized by an online pornography group filed a lawsuit against Yahoo! alleging that it knowingly hosted illegal child pornography on the "Candyman" Yahoo! Group. The plaintiffs sued both the moderator of that "e-group" (who was...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 09/10/2007 - 3:59pm - 0 comments
Date: 05/06/2009
Status: Pending
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Texas
Publication: Website
An anonymous Texas woman has filed suit in state court against the operator of The Dirty, self-described as the "first and most famous reality gossip blog," for allegedly lending credence to a third-party comment on the site that showed her...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 08/25/2009 - 1:41pm - 0 comments
Date: 02/20/2008
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Verdict (plaintiff)
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Illinois
Publication: Blog, Website
On February 20, 2008, an anonymous plaintiff sued Jason Fortuny in Illinois federal court for copyright infringement, invasion of privacy through the publication of private facts, and intrusion, after Mr. Fortuny allegedly posted his photograph and personal information on the Internet.
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 08/08/2008 - 3:03pm - 0 comments
Date: 10/04/2007
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Lawsuit Filed
Type: Correspondence
Jurisdiction: Washington
Publication: Blog
In October 2006, an unknown individual sent Jason Fortuny and his web host a DMCA takedown notice, complaining about a photograph posted on Mr. Fortuny's blog, RFJason.
Mr. Fortuny, a now-famous Internet "troll" who was featured in an ...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 08/08/2008 - 2:51pm - 0 comments
Date: 04/26/2007
Status: Pending
Disposition: Dismissed (partial)
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Oregon
Publication: Social Network
Simon Green, a paramedic for American Medical Response, posted information on his MySpace page about a rape victim he had transported to the hospital. He did not disclose the patient's name, but he mentioned where he picked her up and related her...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 09/10/2007 - 3:59pm - 0 comments
Date: 06/19/2006
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Dismissed (total)
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Texas, New York
Publication: Social Network
A female minor registered with MySpace and contacted a nineteen-year-old male through the site. They agreed to meet, and he sexually assaulted her. The minor and her mother sued MySpace and its parent, News Corp., for negligence, fraud, and negligent...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 09/10/2007 - 3:59pm - 0 comments
Date: 12/06/2007
Status: Pending
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Texas
Publication: Social Network
The family of a 15-year-old girl who comitted suicide is suing MySpace, alleging that the site was negligent in its safety practices. The girl apparently had committed suicide after a sexual relationship with a 27-year-old man she had met on...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 11/17/2008 - 3:50pm - 0 comments
Date: 03/27/2008
Status: Pending
Disposition: Subpoena Quashed
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Oregon
Publication: Blog, Website
In September 2008, an Oregon state judge ruled that Oregon's media shield law, found at Or. Rev. Stat. §§ 44.510 to 44.540, protected the identity of anonymous commenters who posted allegedly defamatory statements on The Portland Mercury and...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 12/19/2008 - 5:52pm - 0 comments
Date: 01/01/2008
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Dismissed (total), Settled (total)
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: New Jersey
Publication: Website
Doherty Enterprises, Inc., a large Applebee's restaurant franchisee with approximately 80 restaurants in New Jersey and neighboring states, sued Michael Murray for defamation and trade libel over a critical comment posted to a September 2008 article on NorthJersey.com, the online...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 05/26/2009 - 6:14pm - 0 comments
Date: 07/27/2009
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Retraction Issued
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: New York
Publication: Blog
James Dolan, Cablevision Systems Corporation, and Madison Square Garden sued the blog Cityfile: New York, its publisher, and one of its bloggers over a July 2009 post entitled "Jim Dolan to Kill Christmas in July?" The complaint (¶...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 10/21/2009 - 7:05pm - 0 comments
Date: 11/05/2008
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Lawsuit Filed
Type: Correspondence
Jurisdiction: Texas
Publication: Website
According to BustedScammers.com on November 5, 2008, Deborah Dolen, author of several "Do It Yourself" craft books, requested all information about her be removed from their website. BustedScammers.com also alleges Dolen threatened the owner of their hosting company with legal action.
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 05/13/2009 - 4:05pm - 0 comments
Date: 12/22/2008
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Dismissed (total)
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Texas
Publication: Website
On December 22, 2008, Deborah Dolen, author of several "Do It Yourself" craft books, sued Julie Ryals and an unknown poster, listed on the complaint as "Jane Doe Libel Cyberstalker," for negative statements about Dolen that appeared on BustedScammers.com. Dolen, acting pro...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 05/12/2009 - 1:43pm - 0 comments
Date: 05/12/2008
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Withdrawn
Type: Subpoena
Jurisdiction: Illinois
Publication: Social Network
In May 2008, Larry Dominick, the Town President of Cicero, Illinois, filed a "Petition for Discovery"
in Illinois state court, seeking information from social
networking site MySpace regarding a user who had created false profiles purporting to be Dominick. The petition asked...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 06/05/2008 - 1:50pm - 0 comments
Date: 07/25/2001
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Dismissed (total), Subpoena Quashed
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: New Jersey
Publication: Forum
Stephen Moldow established the website "Eye on Emerson" in late 1999. He posted information about local government activities, including minutes of meetings of the borough council, planning board and board of education. Public opinion polls were conducted on the site, which included...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 09/10/2007 - 3:58pm - 0 comments
Date: 07/16/2007
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Dismissed (total)
Type: Disciplinary Action
Jurisdiction: Connecticut
Publication: Blog
Administrators barred a Connecticut high school student from running in a student election after the student critized admininstrators online for their handling of a student festival. In the spring of 2007, Jamfest, a yearly music festival at a Connecticut high school, experienced...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 10/23/2007 - 2:13pm - 0 comments
Date: 01/01/2008
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Subpoena Quashed
Type: Subpoena
Jurisdiction: Montana
Publication: Website
Russell Doty, a former candidate for local political office in Montana, subpoenaed The Billings Gazette, seeking identifying information for three anonymous individuals who posted comments to an article on the newspaper's website in 2008 using the pseudonyms "CutiePie," "Always, wondering,"...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 02/23/2009 - 3:15pm - 0 comments
Date: 09/04/2008
Status: Pending
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Virginia
Publication: Website
On September 4, 2008, John Dozier filed a lawsuit in Virginia state
court claiming that Ronald Riley's "gripe site" about him and his firm, www.cybertriallawyer-sucks.com, violates his law firm's trademark
because the site uses the firm's name in conjunction with...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 10/09/2008 - 5:18pm - 0 comments
Date: 09/01/2006
Status: Concluded
Disposition: Dismissed (total), Material Removed
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: Texas
Publication: Social Network
Benjamin Schreiber and Ryan Todd, two 16-year old Clark High School students, posted a false MySpace page about their assistant principal Anna Draker in March 2006. The page was online for approximately one month before Draker learned of it. She contacted MySpace,...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 09/10/2007 - 3:59pm - 0 comments
Date: 10/22/2008
Status: Pending
Disposition: Material Removed, Retraction Issued
Type: Lawsuit
Jurisdiction: California
Publication: Website
X-Files star David Duchovny filed a lawsuit against British publication the Daily Mail over an article published on the newspaper's website that accused him of cheating on his wife Tea Leoni with his tennis instructor. The Daily Mail took down...
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Legal Threat - DMLP Staff - 11/17/2008 - 1:23pm - 0 comments