JD Lasica and Colette Vogele on Rights-of-Publicity for Video Blogs

JD Lasica has a post up on Social Media about rights-of-publicity associated with video blogs. JD interviewed Colette Vogele, who provides some very useful (and concise) advice. One of the things Colette highlights is the importance of having your subjects sign a release form if you plan to use the video commercially.

Do video producers and video bloggers need to obtain a right-of-publicity/model release form from the subjects of their videos if they plan on using the video commercially (including making money from ads)? I posed the question to San Francisco attorney Colette Vogele at the recent Web Video Summit in San Jose, and then caught up with her in the hallway to capture her answer in this 3-minute video interview taken with a Nokia N-95 cell phone.

We'll be including a detailed analysis of this subject in the soon-to-be-public CMLP Legal Guide along with links to model forms you can use to get the necessary releases.

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