This Thursday, August 16, and again next Thursday, August 23, the Digital Media Law Project's own Andy Sellars will be joining Free Press and the International News Safety Institute to host live online sessions on
reporting in conflict areas, with a special emphasis
on reporting at the upcoming Democratic National Convention and
Republican National Convention.
In the last year, nearly 90 people have been arrested while trying to report on protests in the United States, and many others have faced abuse, harassment and press suppression from local authorities. Both the RNC and DNC are expected to draw large numbers of protesters to high-security areas, increasing the risk to journalists. Join us to hear concrete tips on how to stay safe while covering these events and learn about local laws and issues that may impact the conventions. These free webcast events will feature both personal stories from journalists who have been arrested and analysis of past events and legal cases. There will be ample opportunity for participants to ask questions and share their own stories.
No registration or signup is necessary -- just visit Free Press's webinar page on August 16, starting at 7 p.m., or on August 23, starting at 8 p.m. (or both, if you're so inclined). We hope to chat with you then!
Update: You can also visit the webinar page to see the archived event if you can't make it to one of the sessions.