Savage v. Council on American-Islamic Relations: A Breathtaking Misunderstanding of Copyright Law
Neuwirth v. Silverstein: Court Grants Anti-SLAPP Motion in Politically Charged Online Dispute
iBrattleboro Founders Move to Dismiss Libel Lawsuit Under Section 230 of Communications Decency Act
Citizen Media Law Podcast #5: Libel Suit Against; Important Decision on Anonymity
YouTube Suspends Account of Prominent Egyptian Blogger and Anti-Torture Activist
Mobilisa v. Doe: Another Big Win for Anonymous Speech Online
Libel Lawsuit Filed Against iBrattleboro Founders Grotke & LePage
Missouri Town Makes Online Harassment a Crime After Megan Meier's Suicide
CNET on Libel and User-Generated Content
New School of Orlando v. McSween: Florida School Sues Blogging Parent for Defamation
A Nation of Infringers?
Florida Governor Announces New Initiatives For Open Government
1.8 Million Steps Forward in the Direction of a Comprehensive Public Case Law Archive
Citizen Media Law Podcast #4: Ciolli Dropped from AutoAdmit Suit; Libel Claim Against Perez Hilton Dismissed
Ronson v. Lavandeira: Court Puts Smack Down on Libel Claim Against Perez Hilton
Snyder v. Phelps: Westboro Verdict Criticized as Unconstitutional
Assessment of California's Open Government Reform Initiatives for 2007
Citizen Media Law Podcast #3: News Media Clampdown in Pakistan; Sam Bayard Interview on Internet Solutions v. Marshall
Anthony Ciolli, Former Director of AutoAdmit, Dropped From Lawsuit