
Office of Dispute Resolution v. Stengle



Threat Type: 

Disciplinary Action

Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Linda J. Stengle

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Jana R. Barnett

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Linda Stengle was a special education due process hearing officer from July 1998 through June 2006, working for the Pennsylvania Office of Dispute Resolution on consecutive one-year contracts.  In June 2006, her contract was not renewed because of her blogging activity.  On her blog, Stengle discussed issues surrounding children with disabilities and apparently sometimes touched upon the topics of her hearings. 

Stengle subsequently filed a lawsuit against several Pennsylvania agencies and officials claiming that they violated her First Amendment rights by choosing not to reappoint her as a hearing officer because of her blogging. The court ultimately dismissed Stengle's First Amendment claims, finding that the government's interest in ensuring an impartial dispute resolution system outweighed Stengle's First Amendment interest.


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

Decision at 2009 WL 1138119, no image just yet

07/28/2009 - LB editing



Keith Goodridge Construction v. WYBS, Inc.



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

WYBS, Inc., d/b/a/ Merchantcircle; John Doe; Susan and Anthony Gatchell

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Linn County Circuit Court; United States District Court, D. Oregon.

Case Number: 

6:08CV06313 (District Court)

Legal Counsel: 

Bruce L. Campbell, Elisa J. Dozono - Miller Nash LLP (for Defendant WYBS, Inc.)

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Dismissed (total)


In August 2008, Keith Goodridge sued WYBS, Inc., owner of the site www.merchantcircle.com, and a John Doe using the screen name "Attorney" over allegedly defamatory comments posted to the site.  According to the complaint, a posting from June 4, 2008 falsely claimed that an outdoor arena Keith Goodridge Construction (KGC) had built collapsed, killing a teenager. 

WYBS removed the case to federal court and filed a motion to dismiss, claiming that it was immune from liability under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act ("Section 230"). In February 2009, Goodridge amended his complaint to add factual allegations regarding a second allegedly defamatory posting on merchantcircle.com, from November 21, 2008.  He also attempted to plead around Section 23 by claiming that WYBS itself republished both allegedly defamatory statements in multiple locations on its site.  Susan and Anthony Gatchell were added as defendants in lieu of the John Doe "Attorney."

WYBS filed a motion to dismiss this amended complaint, claiming that the reposting alleged by Goodridge did not appear on WYBS's site, but rather on completely independent third-party sites, such as Craigslist.org.  It also reasserted its claim of immunity under Section 230.

On February 24, 2009, Goodridge filed a motion to remand to state court, claiming that the addition of  Susan and Anthony Gatchell — both residents of Oregon like Goodridge — eliminated federal jurisdiction. In June 2009, a magistrate judge issued his recommendation that the case be remanded to state court and that Goodridge be allowed to file a second amended complaint. 

On July 14, 2009, the federal district court adopted the findings and recommendation of the magistrate and remanded the case to the Linn County Circuit Court.


May 12, 2010 -  A reader submitted the following update via email: "The Linn County Court granted an anti-SLAPP motion in favor of WYBS against Plaintiffs in the amount of $22,242, on the ground that there was no objectively reasonable basis for the claim." 


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

07/23/2009 - LB editing

docket on WL  6:08CV06313




Glass v. Doe d/b/a pogowasright.org



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Jane Doe d/b/a pogowasright.org

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

U.S. District Court, Central District of California

Case Number: 

CV09-05648 CBM (FFMx)

Legal Counsel: 

Gregory Alan Rutchik; Colette Vogele

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 


Jane Doe, an anonymous blogger and author of the website Pogo Was Right: Privacy News from Around the World, filed suit in the Central District of California against Lillian Glass, Ph.D. The lawsuit seeks a declaratory judgment that (1) Doe is protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act from liability for postings made by anonymous third parties in the website's forums, and (2) that certain comments made by Doe on the blog do not defame Dr. Glass.

The case arises from a series of posts by Doe on the Pogo Was Right website relating to the mental health problems experienced by Britney Spears and the resulting media coverage. Dr. Glass, a "body language expert," had appeared on CNN's Showbiz Tonight and on CNN's Primetime Live with Erica Hill to discuss Ms. Spears' behavior and to offer a potential diagnosis of Ms. Spears as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. In response, Doe authored a series of posts criticizing Dr. Glass' comments and raising concerns about Ms. Spears' privacy and patient confidentiality.

On June 18, 2009, an attorney for Dr. Glass wrote to Doe, asserting that certain comments by Doe and an anonymous forum poster "violated the privacy rights and other rights" of Dr. Glass; were "false and defamatory in nature, and [were] designed to embarrass and hold my client up to ridicule"; and "incited persons with such propensities and have called for Dr. Glass' death." (The latter in reference to the following from one of Doe's posts:  "'Dr. Phil' catches some flak and dishes some out A complaint filed about Dr. Phil -- but is it wellfounded? People who live in Glass psychology houses shouldn't throw stones. They should be stoned. Dr.
Lillian Glass backpedals, but is it too little, too late?") The letter demanded that Doe remove all references to Dr. Glass from her posts.

Dr. Glass' attorney subsequently sent an email once again threatening to sue if Doe did not remove the references to Dr. Glass from the webiste. The email also stated: "I should also mention to you that if a suit is filed against you, then there will be a public record of your identity and of your capacity as the blogger of this 'pogowasright.org' and other websites. Since you have gone to such great lengths to hide your identity improperly, I think this should also be a concern of yours." Doe filed the complaint for a declaratory judgment ten days after receipt of this email.


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

Threat Source: 

Westlaw Alert



Salon Professional Academy v. Blacconiere



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Nicholas Blacconiere; John Doe

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Kane County Circuit Court

Case Number: 


Publication Medium: 

Social Network

Relevant Documents: 




A Chicago-area cosmetology school has filed suit against Illinois resident Nicholas Blacconiere and an unknown John Doe for allegedly creating a Facebook page that the school claims defamed its directors and used its logo without permission. The Salon Professional Academy of Elgin, as well as school officials Gwendolyn Nelson and Aaron Aven, are seeking $50,000 in damages, according to the Daily Herald

The complaint alleges that the defendants made defamatory statements on a Facebook profile called "Tpsa RobinHood." As of Aug. 4, 2009, the profile was still on Facebook, but was set to private -- meaning that only "friends" could view the profile. According to the Chicagoist, a June post on the profile states that the school's logo was removed after complaints and will not be used again. Another post on the profile reportedly states that the page was not meant to "bash" anyone, but was rather intended to be a place for students to "vent" about their experiences at the school.  

A case management conference has been set for Oct. 15, 2009, according to court documents.  


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

8/3/09- court docket at http://www.cic.co.kane.il.us/OnlineCourtInformation.asp, let applet load and search for Blacconiere

CMF - 8/5/09



Sedgwick Claims Management Services v. Delsman



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Robert A. Delsman

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

United States District Court for the Northern District of California

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Pro Se (trial court); Paul Alan Levy - Public Citizen Litigation Group (appeal)

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Dismissed (total)


Sedgwick, a company that provides insurance claims management services, sued Robert Delsman, a former employee of one of Sedgwick's clients, for copyright infringement, defamation, and other torts, after he created gripe sites, blogs, videos and print materials criticizing the company. Delsman's beef with the company started after he filed a claim for disability benefits in 2006.  According to the complaint, Delsman was unhappy with the way in which Sedgwick handled his claims, and began a campaign of harassment which allegedly included:

  • Hosting pictures of Sedgwick's CEO and COO on his website and blog, which "morph[ed] . . . into images of Adolph Hitler and Heinrich Himmler," and posting a similar video to YouTube
  • Referring to Sedgwick and its employees as "Sedgthugs"
  • Unjustly accusing Sedgwick of engaging in criminal behavior on his website and in emails
  • "Operation Going Postcard," in which Delsman sent postcards to Sedgwick offices, employees, customers and outside insurance agencies in multiple states.  These postcards allegedly contained copyrighted images of Sedgwick's CEO and COO and an image of a human skull containing Sedgwick's trademark in the eye sockets, along with "defamatory, false and libelous statements against Sedgwick.

(Compl. ¶¶ 12-13.)  Sedgwick sought damages, fees, and an injunction preventing Delsman from sending offensive emails or postcards and further defaming or libeling Sedgwick, and requiring him to remove all of Sedgwick's copyrighted material from his website and blog and to destroy all Sedgwick's copyrighted material in his possession.

Delsman, who is representing himself pro se, has filed a motion for summary judgment.  The court has yet to rule on his motion.


07/17/2009- The court construed Delsman's motion for summary judgment as a motion to dismiss and granted the motion.  The court held that the copyright claim failed because Delsman's use of Sedgwick photographs was fair use.  The court dismissed the remaining claims under California's anti-SLAPP statute.

12/16/2009- Sedgwick filed its opening brief on appeal.

01/29/2010 - Delsman filed its response brief.

03/01/2010 - Sedgwick filed its reply brief.

03/21/2011 - In an unpublished, two-page opinion, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district court's ruling.


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

Updated with Ninth Circuit ruling, sent to us by Delsman - AAB 4/1/11




Pearl Public School District v. Jackson



Threat Type: 

Disciplinary Action

Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Mandi Jackson

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Rita Nahlik Silin

Publication Medium: 

Social Network

Relevant Documents: 




Mandi Jackson, a former cheerleader at Pearl High School, filed a lawsuit against Tommie Hill, her former cheerleading coach, and other school officials, claiming that Hill and other teachers punished and humiliated Jackson after accessing and disseminating the content of private conversations from her Facebook account.

Jackson alleges in her eight-count complaint that on September 10, 2007, Hill requested that she turn over her password to her Facebook account. Compl. ¶ 41. Jackson claims that she never accessed Facebook from a school computer or on school property. Compl. ¶ 42. On that same day, Hill "breached Jackson's Facebook" and "disseminated [her information] to fellow . . . teacher . . . Tiffany Durr, cheer trainer Corey Byrd, Principal Ray Morgigno, Superintendant John Ladner, and other unknown individuals." Compl. ¶¶ 43-44.

Jackson claims that Hill, Durr, Byrd, Morgigno, and Ladner "publicly repremanded, punished and humiliated [her] for a private discussion between [her] and another . . . student on Facebook." Compl. ¶ 45.  Her punishment including being "forced to sit out of cheer and dance training and [to] refrain from participation at school sponsored events." Compl. ¶ 46.

Jackson contends that Hill and the other school employees violated her rights to privacy, to free association, to free speech, and to due process. Further, Jackson claims that Hill and other school employees engaged in the intentional infliction of emotional distress, cruel and unusual punishment, defamation, and conspiracy.


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 





Grijalva v. Brandt



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Helga Brandt; Josef Motycka; ASSE International, Inc.

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Superior Court of San Diego County (trial); Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District

Case Number: 

Super. Ct. No. 37-2008-00052285; D053856 (appeal)

Legal Counsel: 

George L. Hampton IV; HamptonHolly LLP

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Grijalva and Committee for Safety of Foreign Exchange Students (CSFES), a website which reports fraud and abuse committed against foreign exchange students, filed a lawsuit against ASSE International, Inc. (ASSE); Helga Brandt; and Josef Motycka, claiming defamation and unfair business practices for allegedly sending emails critical of CSFES to the parents of foreign exchange students.

Plantiffs alleged in their complaint that "ASSE . . . set out to malign CSFES  and . . . Grijalva with an intentional and false campaign directed to the parents of students. . . ." Opinion at 4. Grijalva asserted that in its email campaign againts her, ASSE falsely accused her of the following:

  • "conducting her website and agency with a 'commercial purpose'"
  • "'manipulating facts'"
  • "'not portraying a clear picture'"
  • "'isn't interested in the welfare of the students'"
  • "'threatening' to send information on exchange agencies but 'if got [sic] a contribution doesn't send anything,'"
  • "'represent[ing] herself as a federal agent,'"
  • "'performs background checks,'"
  • "[b]eing a 'liar,'" and
  • "[m]aking 'false statements'[.]'"


ASSE and Brandt filed an anti-SLAPP motion seeking to dismiss the complaint. In the motion, ASSE and Brandt claimed that plaintiffs' lawsuit was filed in retaliation for ASSE's participating in a separate lawsuit against Grijalva then pending in North Carolina. The trial judge granted defendants' motion. Plaintiffs appealed. The appeals court reversed the trial judge's ruling and remanded the case to San Diego Superior Court. 

The grounds for reversal was that ASSE's and Brandt's allegations that plaintiffs filed the lawsuit a "mere one month" after ASSE intervened in the North Carolina suit was not sufficient to demonstrate that plaintiffs' claims arose from ASSE's participation in the suit.  The court further found that ASSE's and Brandt's claim that the lawsuit was filed in retaliation for ASSE's participation in the North Carolina suit was irrelevant to application of the anti-SLAPP statute. The court held that a complaint filed with a retaliatory motive was not barred by the anti-SLAPP statute, so long as the claims in the complaint arose from statements or conduct independent of ASSE's participation in the North Carolina litigation.  


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

2009 WL 2149149

The reversal just came down so we will need to wait and find the case on remand.

AVM 7-23-09 



Moore v. Allen



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Donald W.R. Allen; John Hoff; John Does 1-5

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Hennepin Civil Court, Fourth Judicial District of Minnesota

Case Number: 

No. 27-CV-09-17778

Legal Counsel: 

Donald Allen (pro se); Paul Godfread (for defendant Hoff)

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Directed Verdict/Judgment Notwithstanding Verdict (total)


Former University of Minnesota employee Jerry Moore filed a lawsuit in June 2009 against blogger John Hoff, online commenter Don Allen, and five anonymous commenters who Moore says published intentionally defamatory content in order to get him fired. The lawsuit was filed in Minnesota state court, according to the blog Prattles.

On his blog, The Adventures of Johnny Northside, Hoff criticized the university's hiring of Moore and wrote about a lawsuit Moore was involved in. According to the Minnesota Independent, the complaint alleges that Hoff is "disentitled" to First Amendment protections because of his allegedly biased writing. The complaint also alleges Hoff allowed his blog's comments section to become a "defamation zone," according to Prattles.

According to the University of Minnesota Daily student newspaper, Moore’s employment with the university ended June 22, less than two months after he began work on a temporary basis at the school's Urban Research and Outreach Center.


On March 7, 2011, a jury trial commenced.

On March 11, 2011, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Moore. The jury found that the statement, "Repeated and specific evidence in Hennepin County District Court shows that Jerry Moore was involved with a high-profile fraudulent mortgage at 1564 Hillside Ave. N.," was true. The jury nevertheless ruled in favor of Moore on his claims for intentional interference with an employment contract and intentional interference with prospective employment advantage. The jury awarded Moore $35,000 for the loss of benefits of the contract, and $25,000 for emotional distress or actual harm to reputation.

On March 23, 2011, the Minnesota Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists filed an amicus brief with respect to Hoff's post-trial motions. The brief stated that Minnesota courts, and both federal and state courts, have rejected attempts by plaintiffs to disguise defamation claims under other causes of action. The brief also argued that Minnesota courts have held that providing truthful information cannot provide the basis for an action for tortious interference with prospective economic advantage.

On April 1, 2011, Hoff filed a motion for judgment as a matter of law stating that the factual findings of the jury did not support a verdict in favor of Moore, and asking the court to enter judgment in favor of Hoff on all counts. In the alternative, Hoff sought a new trial. The memorandum in support of the motion stated that tortious interference claims could not be based on true statements, and that the First Amendment barred Hoff's claims for tortious interference. In the alternative, the motion stated that Hoff was entitled to a new trial because the jury was improperly swayed by emotion, the jury instructions contained a plain error, and the verdict was contrary to law and unsupported by evidence.

On May 25, 2011, Moore filed an opposition to Hoff's motion for judgment as a matter of law.

On May 26, 2011, Hoff filed a reply to Moore's opposition.

On August 22, 2011, the district court denied Hoff's motion for judgment as a matter of law in its entirety. The court held that the jury's findings on tortious interference were supported by the record developed during the jury trial, and that the jury's findings on the special verdict form could be reconciled if the jury had determined that Hoff's conduct taken as a whole (and not his true speech) constituted tortious interference. The district court also denied Hoff's motion for a new trial.

On October 26, 2011, Hoff filed a notice of appeal in the district court.

On January 30, 2012, Hoff filed a brief in support of his appeal in the Minnesota Court of Appeals, appealing the district court's denial of Hoff's motion for judgment as a matter of law or a new trial. The brief stated that Minnesota law does not permit liability for tortious interference to attach to true statements; that the record did not contain evidence to support the jury's findings; and that the trial court had failed to consider the requirements of the First Amendment in its order and memorandum denying Hoff's motion for judgment as a matter of law or a new trial.

On February 2, 2012, the Minnesota Pro Chapter, Society of Professional Journalists, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and the Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics & Law filed an amicus brief in support of Hoff.

On March 22, 2012, Moore filed his Appellee Brief, arguing that Hoff had failed to correctly appeal the instructions to the jury at the trial court.

On April 10, 2012, Hoff filed a Reply Brief.

On May 23, 2012, the parties argued before the Minnesota Court of Appeals.


On August 20, 2012, the Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Hoff, reversing the jury's verdict and remanding the case. The Court held that a true statement cannot support a claim for tortious interference with contract or prospective business relationships, and that when protected speech is inextricably intertwined with allegedly tortious conduct, there can be no liability as a matter of law.


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

AVM- no images on state docket, nothing on WL as of 7/2/09

CMF - nothing on westlw yet; state site docket info below 7/22/09

http://pa.courts.state.mn.us/ - docket here; choose  Hennepin civil from drop down menu and search case number



Vinogradov v. Bozeman Daily Chronicle



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Bozeman Daily Chronicle; Montana State University

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Gallatin County District Court

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Mike Meloy

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Aleksandra Vinogradov, a professor at Montana State University, subpoenaed the Bozeman Daily Chronicle for information concerning comments made on the Chronicle's website in connection with two articles published in March and April 2009 regarding the trial in Vinogradov's gender discrimination suit against her employer, Montana State University.

Vinogradov sought this information to support a request for a new trial in her discrimination lawsuit against MSU, which ended in a jury verdict against her in April 2009. Her attorneys argued that one of the commenters to the April 2009 article who posted under the pseudonym “mbcomstock” was Brandon Comstock, one of the jurors in the case. The comment in question read: "Note that this was the third time this same woman has sued the university for discrimination, and her third loss. Maybe, just maybe, instead of everybody else being conspiring liars hiding a ‘big dirty secret,’ the problem is really her." In a May 2009 hearing, Comstock testified that he was not the author of the comment, but acknowledged that his father might have written it.

Vinogradov claimed this post proved the jury was improperly informed of her prior suits against MSU. She moved for a new trial based on jury misconduct and served a subpoena on the newspaper requesting that the Chronicle turn over:

"1) copies of all postings made to the Chronicle's website or blog relating to the two articles; 2) the names and identities off [sic] persons and organizations that posted such comments; 3) the IP addresses associated with each comment posted; 4) the IP addresses associated with each viewer of the two articles during the period of March 23, 2009 to April 3, 2009; 5) all computer logs generated in connection with the two articles; and 6) any and all e-mail communications and other written communications that the Chronicle and its website, its agents and its employees have received or sent on or after March 23, 2009 relating to the two articles." 
Ruling at 2. In addition, Vinogradov filed an emergency motion to perpetuate testimony pending appeal, so that information on the posting could be considered with her request for a new trial. 

On June 3, 2009, the Chronicle opposed Vinogradov's motions, arguing that the information and documents she sought "are protected under Montana's Media Confidentiality Act, specifically  26-1-902, MCA." Ruling at 3. The next day, MSU also opposed Vinogradov's motion to perpetuate, arguing that "the information she seeks is not relevant to the jury misconduct issue" and therefore did not satisfy procedural requirements. Id

On June 5, 2009, the court denied Vinogradov's motion to perpetuate testimony pending appeal on procedural grounds. The court did not address the newspaper's shield law argument or rule on its motion to quash the subpoena.  Later in June, the court denied Vinogradov's motion for a new trial. 

Vinogradov reportedly will appeal this result. 


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

AVM-Nothing on WL as of 6/25/09

AVM- Nothing on WL as of 7/8/09

AVM - updated 7/16/09 - added link on judge denying mistrial

CMF - 7/21/09



Park West Galleries v. Fine Art Registry



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Fine Art Registry; Bruce Hochman; Theresa Franks; David Phillips

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Ralph C. Chapa, Jr., Lawrence C. Atorthy - Kaufman & Payton (for Defendants Fine Art Registry, Franks, and Phillips); Ian C. Simpson - Garan Lucow (for Defendant Hochman)

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Dismissed (partial)


Park West Galleries (PWG), an art gallery that also performs auctions on cruise ships, sued Fine Art Registry (FAR), an organization that, according to The Art Newspaper, offers “advocacy to victims of art fraud and abuse” including a system of tagging and registering art, along with Theresa Franks, CEO and founder of FAR, and Bruce Hochman, Gallery Director for the Salvador Dali Gallery in San Juan and art expert for FAR.  (Compl. ¶¶ 2-3, 5-6.) 

According to the complaint, FAR, Franks, and Hochman allegedly orchestrated an eleven-month "smear campaign" through the FAR website, making "false and defamatory statements" about PWG in an "attempt[] to destroy Park West's goodwill and reputation."  (Compl. ¶¶ 4, 7, 24.)  Specifically, PWG complains that FAR, Franks, and Hochman have falsely accused it of selling fake artwork during its "at-sea" auctions.  (Compl. ¶25-33.)  PWG is seeking monetary damages and a permanent injunction barring FAR, Franks, and Hochman from making any further defamatory statements.

Shortly after this suit began, PWG brought a similar suit against David Phillips, who participated in an allegedly defamatory interview with Hochman that was posted to FAR's website.  In March, 2009, the court consolidated the two cases.

The court denied Hochman's motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction or forum non conveniens and improper venue.  FAR and Franks also filed a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction and/or improper venue.  The court found that jurisdiction was proper over FAR, but not Franks, and dismissed Franks from the lawsuit.  It denied the request to change venue.

In May 2009, FAR and Phillips filed a counterclaim against PWG, accusing it of a "concerted effort to defame, smear, and destroy the business and personal reputations of F[AR] and P[hillips]."  (Counterclaim ¶ 12.)  The counterclaim includes counts of defamation, tortious interference, interference with prospective business advantage, trademark infringement under the Lanham Act, and conspiracy.  FAR and Phillips are seeking actual and punitive damages.

The court has yet to rule on PWG's motion to dismiss FAR's and Phillips' counterclaim.


02/26/2010 - The court granted in part and denied in part the motions for summary judgment filed by Global Fine Art Registry, David Charles Phillips, Theresa Franks, and Bruce Hochman and The Salvador Dali Gallery. Among other rulings, the court determined that posting allegedly defamatory statements under a pseudonym triggered a longer statute of limitations period applicable to "fraudulent concealment."


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 



Guardian Civic League v. Philadelphia Police Department



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Philadelphia Police Department; Sergent McQ; Domelights.com; John Does 1-10,000

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Case Number: 


Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




The Guardian Civic League has filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of 2,300 black Philadelphia police officers against the Philadelphia Police Department for allegedly allowing its officers to post racist and offensive content on Domelights.com, a website focused on law enforcement. 

Guardian's three-count complaint claims that the Philadelphia Police Department engaged in the creation of a hostile work environment on the basis of race (42 U.S.C. § 1983), discrimination (42 U.S.C. § 1981), and conspiracy to interfere with civil rights (42 U.S.C. § 1985) when white officers, Does 1-10,000, posted racist content to the forum site.  

Guardian alleges that "an Active Duty Philadelphia Police Sergent" with the username 'McQ' founded and operated . . . . [t]he racially offensive website." Compl. ¶ 3. Guardian attached screenshots of various posts from Domelights.com, reading "Guns Don’t Kill People. Dangerous Minorites Do. How much longer can you ignore this?" and "adults can't speak proper English or spell at a 3rd grade level, but they can sing among 'theyselves' to lyrics of a rap song." Compl. ¶¶ 2, 7.  Guardian asserts that these "offensive postings . . .  are part of the intentional purpose of the creator of Domelights.com Sgt. 'McQ.'" Compl. ¶ 8.

Guardian asserts that "White police officers use Domelights.com at work, in front of African American Police Officers, and discuss the contents of this racist website, make jokes about it. "Compl. ¶ 5. Also, Guardian argues that the Police Department is aware of the website but although "African American Police Officers have complained to the Philadelphia Police Department regarding Domelights.com,  . . . no actions have been taken to restrict this website or to discipline those police officers responsible for its racially offensive and legally violative content." Compl. ¶ 48.

Guardian seeks a ban on "the operation and use of Domelights.com by Philadelphia Police Officers" as well as compensatory and punitive damges.  Compl. ¶ 10.

The Philadelphia police have not yet filed an answer to the complaint. 


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 



Lewandowski v. Lavandeira



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Mario Lavandeira, d/b/a Perez Hilton

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

United States District Court for the Central District of California

Case Number: 


Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Jonathan Lewandowski, who apparently operates a celebrity blog under the pseudonym Jonathan Jaxson, filed a lawsuit against Mario Lavandeira, better known as celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, for allegedly mentioning Jaxson in a February 3, 2009 post on his blog.  This allegedly violated a settlement agreement in a previous case wherein the two parties agreed not to mention each other in any medium.  Specifically, according to the complaint, the settlement agreement stipulated that Hilton and Jaxson would "refrain from generating, publishing, communicating, or disseminating to any individual or entity any verbal or written reference, comment, remark, or discussion which relates in any way to each other."  (Compl. ¶ 19.)

Jaxson claims that he asked Hilton, through his lawyers, to remove the post, but Hilton refused.  He is seeking a preliminary injunction enjoining Hilton from mentioning him on perezhilton.com; liquidated damages of $100,000, as provided for in the prior case's settlement agreement; compensatory, exemplary, and punitive damages; and attorneys' fees.

Hilton has yet to file an answer to Jaxson's complaint.


Content Type: 

CMLP Notes: 

07/21/2009 - LB editing



Martin v. Langlois



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Michelle Langlois

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Rhode Island Family Court, Kent County

Legal Counsel: 

H. Jefferson Melish - Rhode Island ACLU

Publication Medium: 

Social Network




Injunction Issued


Michelle Langlois, whose brother is embroiled in a pending child custody case with his ex-wife, posted information and commentary about her brother's case to her Facebook account.  Tracey Martin, the ex-wife, filed a "domestic abuse" petition in Kent County Family Court against Langlois, claiming that her posts constituted "harassment" and a "mental assault" on Martin and her children. 

Family Court Judge Michael Forte, who presided over Martin's petition, issued an order restraining Langlois from "posting details about the children and the pending Family Court proceedings on the Internet."  After this order was issued, the Rhode Island ACLU intervened in the case on Langlois' behalf.   The ACLU filed a motion to dismiss, arguing that the court's order was an unconstitutional violation of Langlois' First Amendment rights, and that the Family Court had no jurisdiction to issue the order. 

On July 28, 2009, a day before the court was scheduled to hold a hearing on the motion, Martin voluntarily dismissed her complaint.  This had the effect of rescinding the court's initial restraining order.


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

07/29/2009 - LB editing 



The AP of Oz: Associated Press Prohibits Reporters from Peeking Behind its False DRM Curtain

Last Friday, the Associated Press briefly became the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz. It announced, in a booming press release, an “initiative to protect news content from unauthorized use online.” To accomplish this feat, the AP will use an informational “wrapper” embedded in its product.

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Subject Area: 

Gannon v. Walker



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Paula Walker; Sue Burris; Brian Shunick

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Superior Court of Arizona, County of Maricopa

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Michael W. Pearson - Curry, Pearson & Wooten, PLC

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Dismissed (total)


Edward Gannon, a pilot with US Airways, filed a lawsuit against Paula Walker, Sue Burris, and Brian Shunick, three airline attendants, claiming that they defamed him by reporting Gannon's willingness to take-off in an airplane with iced wings to the Federal Aviation Administration. Subsequently, Gannon filed a motion to amend his complaint to add new defamation claims and a false light claim based on the defendants' contributions to an article published in the Phoenix New Times, in which they "repeated their earlier false and defamatory statements." (Amend. Compl. ¶ 4.) He also alleged that the defendants were "endeavoring to disseminate their misleading diatribe" by creating a blog with a story on the lawsuit at www.helpflightattendantcrew.blogspot.com. (Amend. Compl. ¶ 5.) Gannon argued that the story "while technically accurate, nevertheless is actionable under a false light invasion of privacy action."(Id.)

In February 2009, an Arizona state court denied Gannon's motion to amend, finding that his "defamation claims would be futile" and granted Walker's motion for summary judgment on laches, qualified privilege, and the veracity of Walker's claims. (Opinion at p. 3.) In March 2009, Gannon filed a "motion for new trial on court's summary judgment ruling" and a motion for reconsideration of the denial of leave to amend


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

 all the info at 2009 WL 1835254

 need to check for updates



Virginia v. Ostergren



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Betty Ostergren

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (Richmond Division)

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Rebecca Kim Glenberg - ACLU of Virginia

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Betty Ostergren sued the Attorney General of Virginia, Robert F. McDonnell, in his official capacity to challenge Virginia's Personal Information Privacy Act (PIPA), Va. Code Ann. § 591.443.2, as a violation of the First Amendment. Ostergren is a self-proclaimed advocate of privacy rights and has posted on her website, The Virginia Watchdog, examples of public documents containing social security numbers (SSNs) "to alert members of the public that their own personal information may be online somewhere."  (Compl. ¶ 7.)  A recent amendment to PIPA made it unlawful to "[i]ntentionally communicate an individual's social security number to the general public," Compl. ¶ 13, even if those SSNs are included in public documents.

After Ostergren's lawsuit was filed, counsel for the Attorney General of Virginia agreed that, if Ostergren maintained her website with the posted records, she would be violating the law and be subject to civil sanctions, including fines, investigative demands, and injunctions.  Ostergren sought a preliminary and permanent injunction prohibiting the enforcement of Virginia's PIPA as it applies to public records, and a declaration that the statute is unconstitutional as applied to public records.  (Compl. Requests for Relief ¶ A-B.)

In an August 22, 2008 opinion, a federal court in Virginia declared the Virginia PIPA unconstitutional as applied to Ostergren's website, but sought further briefing on the "propriety and scope of an injunction other than with respect to Ostegren's [sic] website as it exists."  (Op. 33.)  In a further order on June 2, 2009, the judge permanently enjoined the enforcement of the Virginia PIPA against "any iteration of [Ostergren's] website, now or in the future, that simply republishes publicly obtainable documents containing unredacted SSNs of Virginia legislators, Virginia Executive Officers or Clerks of Court as part as [sic] an effort to reform Virginia law and practice respecting publication of SSNs online."  (Order 1.)

On June 24, 2009, McDonnell appealed the decision to the Fourth Circuit.  Ostergren filed a cross-appeal on July 8, 2009.

On July 26, 2010, the  Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed in part and reversed in part. The court held that district court's grant of injunctive relief was an abuse of discretion. The court reversed the district court's decision and remanded the case for further proceedings.(Appeals Decision 45)


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

07/14/2009 - LB editing

case is Ostergren v. McDonnell, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 46039

07/28/10 - AVM added appeals decision and links/pdf



Wiseman v. Does 1-25



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Does 1-25

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Superior Court of the State of California, Los Angeles County

Case Number: 


Publication Medium: 





Los Angeles photographer Zoe Wiseman has filed suit in California state court against twenty-five anonymous individuals associated with WeHireAliens.com, alleging they falsely stated that she illegally hires models without work visas and pays them in cash. The website allows users to report "suspected employers of illegal aliens." The disputed post names three British models allegedly hired without work visas by Wiseman for a photo shoot at a hotel in California. Other users' replies to the original post claim it was written by someone with a "personal vendetta" against Wiseman.  

The complaint, filed in March 2009, states claims for defamation and negligence. A case management conference is scheduled for July 27, 2009. 


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

Source: CourtHouse News

AVM- 6/9/9 investigating- updated with basic info from westlaw,but no other documents  available at this time

7/9/09 - docket available on WestLaw; no other documents up at this time (CMF)



Educators Reprimand Student for Private Facebook Messages

The Supreme Court once famously said that public school students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”  Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S.


Content Type: 

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Horizon Group v. Bonnen



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Amanda Bonnen

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 


Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Law Division

Case Number: 


Legal Counsel: 

Richard C. Balough-Balough Law Offices LLC; Leslie Ann Reis - Center for Information Technology & Privacy Law

Publication Medium: 


Relevant Documents: 




Dismissed (total)


Horizon Realty Group, an apartment leasing and management company in Chicago, filed a defamation lawsuit last week against a former tenant, Amanda Bonnen, over a tweet she posted about the company on Twitter.  According to the complaint, filed in Cook County Circuit Court, Bonnen posted the following tweet on May 12, 2009: 

@JessB123 You should just come anyway. Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment was bad for you?  Horizon realty thinks it's ok.

According to Chicago Bar-Tender, Bonnen had just 20 followers before her account disappeared from Twitter.  Nevertheless, Horizon claims that, as a result of the post, the company "has been greatly injured in its reputation as a landlord in Chicago."


1/20/09 - The court dismissed the complaint with prejudice, according to press accounts


Content Type: 

Subject Area: 

CMLP Notes: 

AVM 7/27/09 the twitter account has been taken down but is attached to complaint




State of New York v Democrat and Chronicle



Threat Type: 


Party Receiving Legal Threat: 

Steve Orr; Democrat and Chronicle

Type of Party: 


Type of Party: 

Media Company

Court Type: 


Court Name: 

Supreme Court of the State of New York, Monroe County

Legal Counsel: 

Christopher Thomas

Publication Medium: 





Subpoena Enforced


Assistant District Attorney Timothy L. Prosperi subpoenaed Democrat and Chronicle reporter Steve Orr to testify in the criminal trial of Kevin I. Vickers, who is charged with removing body parts from two Monroe County funderal homes in 2005.  The DA sought testimony about statements that Orr attributed to Vickers in a story that appeared on the Democrat and Chronicle's website in 2006.  He also sought Orr's notes from an interview with Vickers before the story was published.

On July 24, 2009, Justice Dennis M. Kehoe ruled that Orr must testify and turn over the notes, according to the Democrat and Chronicle.  The Democrat and Chronicle plans to appeal the court's ruling, and Justice Kehoe stayed his order pending appeal.


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