You Have Questions? CMLP Has (Tools to Help You Find) Answers.

"How do I get media liability insurance?"  It's a question we hear a lot here at CMLP. 

A lot has been written about why bloggers and other citizen journalists should consider obtaining insurance to protect themselves against liability for their online activities. But comprehensive, impartial information on the issue remains scattered and hard to find. 

As a service to you, our dear readers, CMLP has attempted to remedy this problem by updating our Legal Guide content on insurance for online journalism ventures.  In the guide, you will find sections on Finding Insurance, Homeowners and Renters Insurance Coverage, Evaluating Homeowners and Renters Insurance Policies, Insurance Exclusions for Business Pursuits, and Media Liability Insurance.   

We've also added a brand-new feature: an Interactive Question Tool for Evaluating Your Insurance Needs.  The tool takes you through a series of questions to help you determine whether your activities are covered by your existing homeowner's or renter's policy, whether separate media liability insurance is right for you, and what issues you should consider when shopping for media liability insurance.

We hope that this information is helpful.  Of course, if you have additional questions that our Legal Guide doesn't answer, you can post them in our forums.

P.S.  Happy 40th birthday, Internet!


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